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Over the past five years, Michelle has had the honor of advocating on behalf of our students, faculty, staff, and parents, and will continue to utilize her knowledge, experience, and skills as your representative on the PUSD Governing Board.


When first elected in 2017, her top three priorities were:

  • Working to ensure quality and equitable education in our schools.

  • Ensuring that adequate resources are provided to our neediest students.

  • Representing the missing minority perspective on the School Board to adequately reflect our diverse community.


Over the next 4 years, Michelle's priorities will include:


Continued advocacy for workforce housing: Approximately 60% of our teaching force live outside of the district boundaries with many traveling great distances to serve our students. This is because of the high cost of housing in our area.


Working with community stakeholders to bring vocational education back to our schools: Our purpose as a school system is to prepare our students for college, careers, and life. While we strive to prepare all students for college, some may choose to enter the world of work right away. I am working with key partners to make these opportunities available to our students.


Addressing areas of disproportionality to promote equity and fairness for all students: My definition of equity is, every student getting what they need when they need it. This therefore means that every student, especially those who have traditionally been underserved will get the services and supports they need to be successful.


Creating policy for establishing inclusive classrooms throughout the district for students with special needs: Students with special needs deserve to be educated as much as possible with their peers in general education. Additionally, all educators in our school system must have this mindset so that all students get what they need in a supportive and welcoming environment.


Michelle successfully advocated for the passage of Measure J and the Measure O Bond, which have significant benefits for the district. She has also authored two resolutions - both of which passed unanimously - that are geared towards supporting and empowering Black and Latinx students within PUSD.


With so much work left to be done, let's re-elect Michelle on November 8, 2022.


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